Communities providing support to families are likely to prosper and grow.Safe communities protecting children help businesses prosper and families thrive.
Support local law enforcement, child protective workers and educators who are daily working to strengthen families and keep children safe.
Offer educational programs on parenting, job skills and child development; programs and activities for children and counseling, alcohol/drug abuse or adult education and enrichment programs in your community.
Ensure your community offers after-school activities, parent education classes, mentoring programs, and respite care that keep children safe from harm.
Be supportive of prevention programs in your community.
Ensure leaders in your community are able to recognize, report and help prevent child abuse and neglect. Offer trainings, and education opportunities on the signs of abuse and neglect. Contact PCAK about training opportunities by calling 859-225-8879.
Distribute prevention information and materials throughout the community.
Seek out ways to support the non-profit youth serving organizations in your community.
Donate resources to families in need – clothing, food, shelter, furnishings, job search information, toys, etc.
Utilize appropriate curricula in local schools or community programs to educate youth about personal safety and prevention strategies.